Coming Out Catholic


by Alex Dunkin
 174 / Words: 54800
Genre: LGBT, Coming of Age, Contemporary
Age Rating: Edgy Young Adult
Ebook zipped file contains: html, Adobe and Sony optimized pdf, prc

SKU: 978-1-61040-920-9 Category:


Like all good Catholic boys I care what Jesus thinks. Jesus — both the man and the faith. Following him makes me happy. There’s just one issue… I think I’m gay. Well, it’s hard to be sure while going to an all-boys school. It could be a matter of simply liking what I know, and really, oh so very much liking what I see all day — guys. Being gay and Catholic can’t possibly work together. Can it?

Coming Out Catholic follows a year in the life of a private Catholic school student as he comes to terms with his sexuality. Armed with sarcasm and his best friend Mark, he prepares to take on the school thug and the awkward social encounters plaguing his late teenage years.

Confronting himself and his family are just the beginning of his trials. He finds he must find solace with his sexual desires without surrendering any of his faith. He loves both too much to deny either one, but when the time comes he will have to decide if he must turn away from one and prepare to succumb to a life of denial, or if, by some miracle, he can find acceptance for both within himself.