Caron High News


by Annabelle Jay
 100 / Words: 26900
ISBN: 978-1-61040-945-2
Genre: LGBT/Romance
Age Rating: Edgy Young Adult
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Caron High News begins on the day of the first GSA, or Gay-Straight Alliance, meeting at Nissa Falenbach’s school. The club was started by Principal Perry to give Nissa a community after the school’s first hate crime that past summer, but unfortunately, no one shows up. As Nissa leaves the school she sees Bethany, her former best friend and now popular girl, crying in the middle of the quad because she was just dumped by her boyfriend, Lenny, for not being sexually adventurous. The two agree on mutually advantageous terms: they will pretend to date until Lenny wants Bethany back, and in return, Bethany will draw ten new GSA members into their group. The novel is a split narrative between Nissa and Audrey, the school gossip newspaper’s Editor-in-Chief, who creates scandals that both help Nissa’s cause and, in the end, reveal her true motives. But neither Nissa nor Audrey could have predicted what happens at the Holiday Assembly after Audrey plays a recording of Nissa and Bethany’s bathroom confession.